Birthday: 13.05.1928, Bertrange
Father: François CHRISTNACH
Mother: Madeleine LORANG
Service entry: 21.11.1950
Contingent: 2nd
Ranks: Soldat de 2e Classe
Soldat de 1re Classe (1951)
Caporal (1952)
Sergent (1955)
Sergent-Chef (1963)
Adjudant (1972)
Adjudant-Chef (1978)
Adjudant-Major (1982)
Death: 02.10.1998
In 1946, Grégoire had been working for three years as an accountant at the book printing company J. Nicolay in Luxembourg City. Later, he worked for Accinauto until his conscription in November 1950.
Gregoire was described as a dedicated, helpful, competent and efficient soldier by his superiors. Ranked Soldat de 1re Classe, he served during the Korean War as second in command of his squad. He was promoted to Caporal in May 1952.
After the death of the squad leader, Sergent Mores, at Chokko-Ri on 26 September 1952, Gregoire became his successor and led the squad for four months, to the complete satisfaction of Lieutenant Lutty.
Upon his return from Korea, Grégoire stayed in the Army, while at the same time taking courses in cinematography, as he was planning to become a programmer in mechanography. In 1981, Grégoire was given the position of permanent representative of Luxembourg to NATO. After an impressive military career, he retired as Adjutant-Major in 1985, at the age of 57.
"Jeune gradé de plein d’allant, très réfléchi. Volontaire pour toutes les patrouilles. A repris commandement d’une section fusilier lorsque son chef a été tué. Il a rempli la fonction de chef de section pendant 4 mois et a donné complètement satisfaction.”
Statement of Lieutenant Rodolphe Lutty on the rank proposal of Grégoire Christnach for promotion to Sergent, 13.02.1953. © Armée Luxembourgeoise